The Committee consists of 7 members appointed by the Full Council (one of whom shall be the sitting Wiltshire Council if also a member of Wilton Town Council) and shall have the following delegated functions:
To manage the services and amenities provided by the Council, including:
- Bulbridge, Minster Street and Wishford Road Recreation Grounds and associated play equipment, benches and shelters
- The Castle Meadow Recreation Ground and Sports Pavilion
- Old St Mary’s Churchyard
- The Council Offices
- The Cemetery
- The Market Place and South Street car parks
- Christmas Tree and Lights
- Market Place hanging baskets and tubs,
- Public toilets in Greyhound Lane
- Allotments
- Bus Shelters
2. To manage the grounds maintenance and civic amenities contracts
3. To operate and maintain the cemetery, burial responsibilities and associated duties
4. To promote the health and wellbeing of residents in the Town
5. To promote sports and leisure opportunities
6. To be responsible for transport and highways matters
7. To promote walking and cycling and to be responsible for footpaths and cycleways
8. To be responsible for flooding and emergency planning
9. T o be responsible for green initiatives, including biodiversity, sustainability, climate change, litter, trees and wildlife areas
10 To promote and be responsible for the Wilton in Bloom campaign
11. To be responsible for festivals and public events promoted by the Council (including the Christmas Lights).